Home Clothing How to Choose Scarf?

How to Choose Scarf?


Light, heavy to repair the throat from the cold or simply for ornament, scarf is an accessory that appeals to almost everyone, and adding to the clothing by adding a touch of sophistication more. It can be made of silk, wool, in other materials and can be worn in various ways. Depending on how well you wear, can be chic and elegant, or rather casual and sporty.

The Fabrics for the Scarf

When we think of the scarf, it generally comes to mind in the wool, gathered around the neck, keeps us warm in the winter days. But scarves are suitable for every season of the year. During spring or even summer evenings, you can opt for scarves from fresh and light fabrics, such as voile and cotton.

Of course, many of you know and have worn the cd pashmina, which is a particular type of scarf made from a goat that lives in Tibet. To create this fiber using the neck of the animal.

The pashmina, made in various colors, is very stylish, and when combined in the right way, it really makes a great impression! Typically, the pashmina has a greater length than other types of scarves, and even if it is not made from a heavy fabric, nevertheless contributes to repair the groove is from spring breeze, that the wind more insidious.

For warmer days, you can opt for a shoe silk has always been synonymous with refinement and elegance. In winter is a lot of fashion for a scarf (in both the original and artificial). If you believe animal, better opt for artificial fur.

There are many commercial artificial furs scarves very beautiful and unique. If you’re into sport and dynamic, then for sure you will like the scarves of batteries, which are very warm and colorful, also suitable for hiking in the mountains.

There are also broader wool scarves that can be used as a shawl, to repair the head on the coldest days. Lightweight fabrics and romantic (suitable for scarves for special occasions) are the chiffon and mohair. Whatever the chosen fabric, the scarf is an accessory that never fails, and is also a great gift idea!

Buy A Scarf

There is pattern’s scarf for men, women and kids. If you need to make a gift, you should understand what kind of clothes does the person whom it is intended. So avoid buying a scarf completely divorced from the way he dresses. Today almost all brands of the clothing offers, in addition to the main leaders, a series of accessories to match, just as scarves.

For example, the ” Benetton ” is a chain of clothing in his collections, has always given ample space to scarves. Long, colorful, wool, some are really comparable to a piece of clothing, for their sophistication and attention to detail. The brand name ” Benetton ” is aimed at a young audience, but there are also accessories who are good for all kinds of age.

In addition, addition, prices are low, and also quite reasonable. If people are classics, lovers of linear and simple style also accessories, the ideal brand for you is ” Burberry “. Proposals for accessories are in perfect harmony with the clothes that ” Burberry ” has always offered.

If you like a more casual and carefree, you can view the proposals of ” Carpisa ” in one of the many franchise outlets. Scarves and accessories you will find practical, colorful and versatile. Giving a gift to a man of class, and that does not go unnoticed?

So the name ” Giorgio Armani ” is for you. You can choose from the new collection of scarves that you like. For a woman who loves an elegant details, the brand referred to be “Laura Biagiotti”. Accessories are unique and original, choosing a scarf you will surely appreciate a gift. Another franchise where you can find funny and original ideas for a gift or for yourself, is Color.

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